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Our Story

We are a non-profit organization

The "Brothers in Yoga" association was founded to help those dealing with security-related trauma through a long-term group process that allows dedication to each and every participant. The program teaches yoga as a way of life, combining tools such as trauma-sensitive yoga practice, proper breathing, relaxation, nutrition, positive thinking, meditation and more. Its establishment was inspired by the organization 'Warriors at Ease' which has been working since 2011 using yoga as therapy for US military veterans and soldiers with PTSD. The association works to reach all those left behind, to give them the opportunity to live as full a life as possible, and to walk the path of healing

The program is managed by Sivananda yoga instructors and trauma-sensitive yoga teachers and an accompanying clinical care team

Our goal

Is to illuminate the path for people to gain control over the remnants of past trauma, with an emphasis on observing and practicing in the present, in this moment.


Along with processing combat experiences through discourse, treatment and sharing, we are learning today that traces of the past can also be changed through physical experiences. These experiences often change the feelings of helplessness and rage, and instilling a sense of agency, and strength instead. 

"Brothers in Yoga" responds to the existing need for an understanding community and yoga practice, while imparting confidence to those participating. 

Yoga can be a very effective tool in developing emotional resilience and dealing  with PTSD symptoms. Research shows that somatic movements and yoga can be an effective, simple resource available to anyone working through complex trauma.

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Other Programs

Since the beginning of Operation "Iron Swords" in October 2023, the association has expanded its activities for additional populations that face trauma due to security reasons.


Along with the home program intended for post-trauma survivors with a security and military background, the association operates:

"A place to breathe" -

a therapeutic-rehabilitation process of a month of continuous group work for party goers on October 7, which includes an opening and concluding retreat in the Maccabiah village in Ramat Gan, and meetings in between.

"Balance" an accompanying program for families from the surrounding area


Our vision is to give an opportunity for healing through yoga, for every current and former combatant who is dealing with post-traumatic stress due to a security background. The program was launched in December 2021 with a first cycle of 9 participants. The goal in 2023 was to open at least 6 more cycles, with 10-14 participants each time. In 2023, 9 more cycles were opened, and today we have over 100 brothers and sisters in yoga, and 7 program graduates who were trained as teachers and have joined our team. 

The association was inspired by the organization WARRIORS AT EASE, which has been working since 2011 using yoga for combat trauma in the US Army. 

About the Program

The "Brothers in Yoga" program is intended for anyone, at any age and place, who is dealing with trauma on a security basis.

The program combines 5 central principles that teach us a beneficial and healthy way of life, using yoga as a set of practical tools for daily use.


By practicing movement, breathing and relaxation, we strengthen abilities of regulation and balance, emotional expression, release of tension, grounding, creation of renewed confidence and mental resilience.

Composition of the 4-month program:

Phase 1 - Opening retreat 3 days and 2 nights
Step 2 - Weekly Zoom meeting, sharing and practice
for 4 months

Stage 3 - Retreat sums up 3 days and 2 nights




Graduates who have returned to teach








Hours of Yoga


I felt as if I were in the peaks of the Alps, familiar from every angle, similar to practice - the same thing but different every time.

The Sabbath - the choice to be alone within the practice also did me good. I feel very special, an exciting weekend, in the midst of life, where fun is also possible, and now there was an outburst at home with the children, which is the hardest and most suffocating, a lot of emotion but the practice was amazing and I missed it very much. I'm committed to getting up early again for practice. It does a lot of good and also calms the family.

Community Growth

Community Meet-Ups

"Yoga brothers and sisters as an expanding community, ensure to meet together weekly for a Zoom session, monthly for a several-hour gathering, and annually for a 3-day retreat. These meetings maintain continuous connection between veterans and newcomers, allowing for deepening personal development and practice for each individual."

Open Classes

"The Zoom room is open to the public - gentle yoga classes twice a day (8 AM and 8 PM), for stress relief, balance, resilience, and tranquility. The links to Zoom and the schedule file are on the homepage.

Classes by Dana (donation as you can) - for donation."

Teachers Course

"The expansion model in the association is based on the graduation of a representative from each cycle to a teacher training course in Vinyasa and Trauma-Sensitive Yoga, followed by ongoing training as a team in group processes. Yoga brothers and sisters allocate graduates of the program to a teacher training course every two years in Israel and every half year in a designated ashram in Bhāms.

Do you want to sponsor a scholarship for a graduate for the teacher training course?"

Volunteer with Us

"Currently, the association has around 220 volunteers who contribute their skills and time through teaching yoga, offering workshops (cooking, etc.) for retreats, marketing and publicity, and more. We also invite you to be part of your journey."

Take part in the activity

Sign up for our News-Letter

Make a Donation

To volunteers or anyhing else

During these challenging times, Brothers in Yoga invites you to join a relaxing practice that cultivates balance and regulation through yoga, breathing, mindfulness, music & more. 

Adapted and accessible to everyone with a

professional and diverse guidance team


Sensitive Yoga Zoom classes

(!classes are free, in Hebrew, donations are gladly accepted)

 Tuesday 7:30am | Wednesday 8:00am

Contact Us

 Haela 17 - Mata, Israel
Phone: 050-2688240

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