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How to cultivate willpower and healthy habits?

How to Sustain Inspiration in What You Do? How to Do It with Love and Will?

Willpower isn’t something that can be developed from a mindset of "I have to."

That simply won’t last. The idea isn’t to develop power over the will but rather with the will.

When we want to develop healthy habits and create change in our daily lives, it’s crucial to understand our mind’s mechanisms and how closely they are tied to our existing habits.

Instead of trying to build a new habit from scratch, it’s more effective to attach it to a habit that’s already ingrained in our routine.

Most of us are familiar with those small daily habits we love so much but know they might not benefit us in the long run – whether it’s the hour of TV, the third cup of coffee, the cigarette, or any other routine. For a new, positive habit to take hold, it needs to be paired with an already established one – whether it’s good or bad.

For example, if I want to meditate for 10 minutes every morning, my chances of success will increase significantly if I attach it to another habit I love, such as my morning coffee. This way, I "earn" my coffee as a reward for the meditation that preceded it.

Many people practice yoga and even teach it, but for some, it becomes another "must-do" task rather than something they genuinely want to do. Cultivating inspiration and love in what we do is incredibly important, and this is where the power of a supportive community plays a vital role.

The Role of Community in

Growth and Support

There are many diverse communities within humanity, essentially a connection between people who share common ground, shared goals, and mutual agreements.

The question is, how does the community support the personal growth of each and every one both within and beyond?

A "breathing" community is a circle that is flexible – sometimes one person leads more than the others, and at other times, the reverse is true. Sometimes I feel weak and am supported by my peers, and at other times I’m uplifted and can support others. This is the healthy rhythm of life, and it’s the healthy breath within a community. A "breathing" community also remains open to the world and society. It becomes a powerful force not only for its members but for those outside of it.

Community as a Source of Support and Empowerment

Combat veterans and trauma survivors often feel disconnected from society, struggling with the difficult experiences they've gone through, and suffering from loneliness and misunderstanding. In a community such as Brothers in Yoga, they find a place where they can share their experiences without judgment or feeling out of place. The bonds formed between members are based on deep understanding and mutual empathy, providing them with a sense of belonging, emotional well-being, and a significant shift in their perception of healing and capability.

Within such a community, the sense of togetherness becomes a tool for collective challenge and growth. It creates a safe space to share struggles, talk about trauma, and receive emotional support from those who truly understand. Often, it is the community members themselves who provide mental support and encouragement to each other, reducing the sense of isolation and making it easier to cope.

Community support is key in developing willpower and healthy habits. When people operate within a community, they benefit from a shared sense of responsibility, which can greatly enhance their personal motivation for change. The community’s strength encourages its members to stick to personal goals, whether it’s developing a healthy lifestyle, improving physical fitness, or overcoming addictions. The mutual support, sharing of small victories, and daily challenges create a positive environment that fosters perseverance even during tough times.

In a community of Brothers and Sisters in Yoga, for instance, developing healthy habits such as regular physical activity, proper nutrition, or relaxation exercises can become part of the rehabilitation process. The fact that members share similar goals helps solidify these habits, as each one feels they have the backing and support to face challenges. These interpersonal connections foster mutual accountability and increase the chances of persistence and lasting personal change.

Social Change Through Community Leadership

Social leadership within the trauma survivor community is crucial in creating change and growth. Social leaders can be veterans themselves or individuals who are closely familiar with the unique challenges of the community. Their goal is not only to lead the community internally but also to represent it to external entities – social circles, families, governments, social organizations, and support bodies.

Beyond personal empowerment, trauma survivor communities can serve as a social force leading to broader societal change. Through strong leadership and collaboration among members, along with open dialogue and the application of practical daily tools, individuals who once considered themselves part of a vulnerable population can develop renewed inner strength and become a positive influence for many others.

To conclude...

To sustain inspiration for creating healthy habits, it’s important to: 1. Pair new habits with existing daily ones in a consistent and continuous way.

2. Surround yourself with a supportive environment, share your progress with your community or with a habbit-commitment friend.

3. Remember that every small change adds up to a long journey of personal growth and improvement

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